All the work done below serves to animate the postions of the bodies in my system for each case I consider. All the actual animations can be viewed in the visualization notebooks for each case.
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import mplfig_to_npimage
import moviepy.editor as mpy
In [9]:
f = open('base_question_data.npz','r')
r = np.load('base_question_data.npz')
sol_base = r['arr_0']
ic_base = r['arr_1']
Creating animation with main galaxy as the center:
In [10]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x = np.zeros(122)
y = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_base)/4)):
x[i] = sol_base[0][4*i]
y[i] = sol_base[0][4*i+1]
scat = ax.scatter(x, y);
def make_frame_mpl(t):
newx = np.zeros(122)
newy = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx[i] = sol_base[10*t][4*i]
newy[i] = sol_base[10*t][4*i+1]
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx, newy])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_base = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl, duration=duration)
Writing animation to disk:
In [7]:
animation_base.write_videofile("base_animation.mp4", fps=24)
Creating animation centered around center of mass:
In [23]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x_com = np.zeros(122)
y_com = np.zeros(122)
S = 1e11
M = 1e11
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_base)/4)):
cm_x_base = (S*sol_base[0][0])/(M+S)
cm_y_base = (S*sol_base[0][1])/(M+S)
x_com[i] = sol_base[0][4*i]-cm_x
y_com[i] = sol_base[0][4*i+1]-cm_y
x_com[121] = 0-cm_x_base
y_com[121] = 0-cm_y_base
scat = ax.scatter(x_com, y_com);
def make_frame_mpl_com(t):
cm_x_base = (S*sol_base[10*t][0])/(M+S)
cm_y_base = (S*sol_base[10*t][1])/(M+S)
newx_com = np.zeros(122)
newy_com = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx_com[i] = sol_base[10*t][4*i]-cm_x_base
newy_com[i] = sol_base[10*t][4*i+1]-cm_y_base
newx_com[121] = 0-cm_x_base
newy_com[121] = 0-cm_y_base
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx_com, newy_com])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_base_com = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl_com, duration=duration)
In [24]:
animation_base_com.write_videofile("base_animation_com.mp4", fps=24)
In [26]:
f = open('additional_1_data.npz','r')
r = np.load('additional_1_data.npz')
sol_add1 = r['arr_0']
ic_add1 = r['arr_1']
Creating animation centered at main galaxy:
In [27]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x_1 = np.zeros(122)
y_1 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_add1)/4)):
x_1[i] = sol_add1[0][4*i]
y_1[i] = sol_add1[0][4*i+1]
scat = ax.scatter(x_1, y_1);
def make_frame_mpl_1(t):
newx_1 = np.zeros(122)
newy_1 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx_1[i] = sol_add1[10*t][4*i]
newy_1[i] = sol_add1[10*t][4*i+1]
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx_1, newy_1])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_add1 = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl_1, duration=duration)
In [28]:
animation_add1.write_videofile("additional_1_animation.mp4", fps=24)
Creating animation around center of mass:
In [29]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x_com_1 = np.zeros(122)
y_com_1 = np.zeros(122)
S_add1 = (1e11)/3
M_add1 = 1e11
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_add1)/4)):
cm_x_1 = (S_add1*sol_add1[0][0])/(M_add1+S_add1)
cm_y_1 = (S_add1*sol_add1[0][1])/(M_add1+S_add1)
x_com_1[i] = sol_add1[0][4*i]-cm_x_1
y_com_1[i] = sol_add1[0][4*i+1]-cm_y_1
x_com_1[121] = 0-cm_x_1
y_com_1[121] = 0-cm_y_1
scat = ax.scatter(x_com_1, y_com_1);
def make_frame_mpl_com_1(t):
cm_x_1 = (S_add1*sol_add1[10*t][0])/(M_add1+S_add1)
cm_y_1 = (S_add1*sol_add1[10*t][1])/(M_add1+S_add1)
newx_com_1 = np.zeros(122)
newy_com_1 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx_com_1[i] = sol_add1[10*t][4*i]-cm_x_1
newy_com_1[i] = sol_add1[10*t][4*i+1]-cm_y_1
newx_com_1[121] = 0-cm_x_1
newy_com_1[121] = 0-cm_y_1
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx_com_1, newy_com_1])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_1_com = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl_com_1, duration=duration)
In [30]:
animation_1_com.write_videofile("additional_1_animation_com.mp4", fps=24)
In [32]:
f = open('additional_2_data.npz','r')
r = np.load('additional_2_data.npz')
sol_add2 = r['arr_0']
ic_add2 = r['arr_1']
Creating animation centered around main galaxy:
In [33]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x_2 = np.zeros(122)
y_2 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_add2)/4)):
x_2[i] = sol_add2[0][4*i]
y_2[i] = sol_add2[0][4*i+1]
scat = ax.scatter(x_2, y_2);
def make_frame_mpl_2(t):
newx_2 = np.zeros(122)
newy_2 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx_2[i] = sol_add2[10*t][4*i]
newy_2[i] = sol_add2[10*t][4*i+1]
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx_2, newy_2])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_add2 = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl_2, duration=duration)
In [34]:
animation_add2.write_videofile("additional_2_animation.mp4", fps=24)
Center of mass animation:
In [35]:
duration = 10.0
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize=(10,10), facecolor='white')
x_com_2 = np.zeros(122)
y_com_2 = np.zeros(122)
S_add2 = 1e11
M_add2 = (1e11)/3
for i in range(0,int(len(ic_add2)/4)):
cm_x_2 = (S_add2*sol_add2[0][0])/(M_add2+S_add2)
cm_y_2 = (S_add2*sol_add2[0][1])/(M_add2+S_add2)
x_com_2[i] = sol_add2[0][4*i]-cm_x_2
y_com_2[i] = sol_add2[0][4*i+1]-cm_y_2
x_com_2[121] = 0-cm_x_2
y_com_2[121] = 0-cm_y_2
scat = ax.scatter(x_com_2, y_com_2);
def make_frame_mpl_com_2(t):
cm_x_2 = (S_add2*sol_add2[10*t][0])/(M_add2+S_add2)
cm_y_2 = (S_add2*sol_add2[10*t][1])/(M_add2+S_add2)
newx_com_2 = np.zeros(122)
newy_com_2 = np.zeros(122)
for i in range(0,121):
newx_com_2[i] = sol_add2[10*t][4*i]-cm_x_2
newy_com_2[i] = sol_add2[10*t][4*i+1]-cm_y_2
newx_com_2[121] = 0-cm_x_2
newy_com_2[121] = 0-cm_y_2
scat.set_offsets(np.transpose(np.vstack([newx_com_2, newy_com_2])))
return mplfig_to_npimage(fig_mpl)
animation_2_com = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame_mpl_com_2, duration=duration)
In [36]:
animation_2_com.write_videofile("additional_2_animation_com.mp4", fps=24)
In [ ]: